Nadhim Zahawi ile ilgili hikayeler

• Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK), ocak ayı enflasyon verilerini açıkladı. Verilere göre tüketici enflasyonu, yıllık bazda %57,68, aylık bazda ise %6,65 olarak gerçekleşti. • The Economist'in yayıncısının sahibi olduğu, "İstihbarat Ünitesi", 2022 Demokrasi Endeksi Raporu'nu yayımladı. Rapora göre, Türkiye , Uganda, Tunus, Bangladeş ve Bolivya gibi ülkelerin gerisinde kalarak 167 ülke arasında 103. sırada yer aldı. • Altılı Masa'yı oluşturan CHP, İYİ Parti, DEVA Par...Devamını Oku

04 Şub 2023

• UK PM Rishi Sunak fired the chairman of the governing Conservative Party for a "serious breach" of ethics rules in failing to come clean about a tax dispute. Nadhim Zahawi has been investigated following claims he had paid a penalty as part of a reported £4.8 million (€5.47mn) settlement with tax officials and did not declare the dispute with tax authorities.

30 Oca 2023

• Birleşik Krallık Başbakanı Rishi Sunak , iktidar partisi Muhafazakâr Parti'nin Başkanı Nadhim Zahawi'yi vergi kaçırdığı iddiası üzerine görevden aldı. Sunak, Zahawi'ye gönderdiği mektupta yürütülen soruşturmada "ilgili yasaların ciddi şekilde ihlal edildiği sonucuna ulaşıldığını" belirtti.

30 Oca 2023

• UK PM Rishi Sunak opened an investigation into the ruling Conservative Party Chairman Nadhim Zahawi, over allegations that he settled a multimillion-dollar unpaid tax bill while he was in charge of London's treasury. The probe came as Zahawi faces calls to resign after reports came that he paid a penalty over unpaid tax, and said over the weekend that the "error" he made was seen to be "careless and not deliberate."

24 Oca 2023

• The UK government is considering bringing in the military to help keep public services running if key workers, including in the state-run National Health Service, go on strike, the chairman of the governing Conservative Party said on Sunday. “We're looking at the military, we're looking at a specialist response force... a surge capacity,” Nadhim Zahawi said, adding that the military could be brought in to drive ambulances. via CNN Zoom out: Britain faces st...Devamını Oku

05 Ara 2022

• Two candidates in the race to replace British PM Boris Johnson —former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt and Treasury chief Nadhim Zahawi— were knocked out after Conservative Party lawmakers cast their ballots in the first round of the election, failing to reach the threshold of 30 MP votes and leaving six lawmakers in the race. The next round of voting is to resume in the following days until two candidates remain.

14 Tem 2022

• British PM Boris Johnson vowed to “keep going,” shrugging off calls for his resignation after a large number of junior officials resigned from their posts as well, joining the two top ministers who started the resignation wave on Tuesday. A Cabinet ministers delegation is planned to meet with Johnson to press him to resign. Change of players: After the chancellor and health secretary’s resignations, Johnson filled the two key roles with Nadhim Zahawi as chancellor ...Devamını Oku

07 Tem 2022