same-sex marriage ile ilgili hikayeler

• A South Korean court recognized social benefits for same-sex couples for the first time after a Tuesday ruling to offer government health insurance spousal coverage to a same-sex couple. However, South Korea has not legalized same-sex marriage or civil unions.

22 Şub 2023

• A Japanese court ruled that the country's same-sex marriage ban was constitutional, dealing a setback to LGBT+ rights activists who were trying to pressure the central government to address the issue. Japan stands as the only G7 nation that does not allow people of the same gender to marry. The ruling comes as the US and many other countries celebrate Pride month.

21 Haz 2022

• Chile legalized same-sex marriage after passing a milestone law in Congress, concluding a process that began in 2017 when the first bill was introduced. Same-sex partners in Chile were permitted to form civil unions since 2015, but did not gain all the benefits the married couples had, like the right to adoption. Across the Pacific: Tokyo will allow same-sex marriages starting April 2022, Governor Yuriko Koike said. A local court in Sapporo ruled in March that sa...Devamını Oku

08 Ara 2021