ceasefire ile ilgili hikayeler

• Moscow ended a self-declared Christmas ceasefire in Ukraine and vowed to push on with combat. Russia’s overnight bombing of regions in eastern Ukraine killed at least one, local officials said on Sunday. President Vladimir Putin ordered on Friday a 36-hour ceasefire along the line of contact to observe Russia and Ukraine’s Orthodox Christmas, which fell on Saturday. via Reuters Deadly claim: Russia's defense ministry said on Sunday it had killed more than ...Devamını Oku

09 Oca 2023

• Fighting intensified in Ukraine's eastern regions with Kyiv forces trying to push back Russian troops, as Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy asked the West to provide heavy tanks to his army. Ukraine's military said they are focused on an offensive in Bakhmut, and the neighboring Luhansk region governor said their troops were recapturing areas "step-by-step" but that it is not "happening fast." via Reuters Helping hand(s): France, Germany, and the US ...Devamını Oku

06 Oca 2023

• Ukrainian forces shot down 13 drones, according to officials, with Russia launching its first major drone attack on the capital Kyiv in weeks. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy called on Russia to withdraw by Christmas, but the Kremlin replied saying a "Christmas ceasefire" was not on their agenda. via Bloomberg In other news: As the US was considering sending advanced Patriot air defense systems to help Ukraine, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said any Pa...Devamını Oku

15 Ara 2022

• The three-day violence between Israel and Palestine ended with a ceasefire mediated by Egypt late Sunday. As the truce holds on Monday, Israel reopened crossings to Gaza, and the territory’s only power plant resumed operation. The attacks killed 44 Palestinians, including civilians as well as two commanders of the militant Islamic Jihad group.

09 Ağu 2022

• Italy, backed by Hungary and Cyprus , urged the EU to call explicitly for a ceasefire in Ukraine and peace talks with Russia, putting themselves at odds with other members determined to take a hard line with Moscow ahead of a summit next week. Three countries are among those that are most critical of new EU sanctions against Russia, which have been blocked for weeks due to internal divisions. What EU said: "Ukraine must win this war, and Putin's aggression must be a...Devamını Oku

26 May 2022

• Officials from Russia and Ukraine arrived in Turkey to hold the first face-to-face peace talks in more than two weeks. Ukraine said they see a small chance of a major breakthrough at the talks, which are to be held in Istanbul today (Tuesday) and Wednesday, after Turkey's Erdoğan spoke to Russia's Putin on Sunday night to invite both sides to a ceasefire.

29 Mar 2022

• Delegations from Ukraine and Russia expressed cautious optimism that peace talks were making progress for a potential breakthrough after three weeks of the war. Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said negotiations were becoming "more realistic", and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said proposals were "close to an agreement". What Moscow said: Russia's chief negotiator said that Ukraine is offering to become an "Austrian or Swedish version of a neutral...Devamını Oku

17 Mar 2022

🇺🇦 Inside Ukraine A Russian airstrike hit a maternity hospital in the besieged city of Mariupol after Ukraine and Russia agreed to a 12-hour ceasefire to allow civilians to escape through evacuation routes from several cities, said Ukraine officials. President Zelenski tweeted that there were "people, children under the wreckage," and called the strike an "atrocity". Scores of dead Ukrainian civilians and soldiers were buried in a mass grave by munici...Devamını Oku

10 Mar 2022

• Ukraine rejected Russia's offer to create humanitarian corridors from several bombarded cities of Kharkiv, Kyiv, Mariupol, and Sumy that would lead refugees into Russia and Belarus. Russia's proposal, denounced as "immoral" by Ukraine's government, came after civilians came under fire in previously failed ceasefire attempts. The UK connection: The EU-style open-door policy for refugees from Ukraine is not right for the UK, PM Boris Johnson said , and the UK needs ...Devamını Oku

08 Mar 2022