Boris Pistorius ile ilgili hikayeler

• Rusya-Ukrayna savaşının ardından savunma politikalarında değişikliğe giden Almanya, ordusunu savaşa hazır hâle getirmek için adım attığını duyurdu. Almanya Savunma Bakanı Boris Pistorius, ordudaki yapısal reformların ayrıntılarını açıkladı. Detaylar: Buna göre Almanya ordusunun iç ve dış operasyonları, Müşterek Komuta ve Harekat Merkezî Komutanlığı tarafından koordine edilecek. Ayrıca kara, hava ve deniz kuvvetlerine ek olarak Siber ve Enformasyon Kuvvetleri kurula...Devamını Oku

11 Nis 2024

• Rusya Dışişleri Bakanlığı , Alman subayların basına sızan ses kaydına ilişkin, Almanya'nın Moskova Büyükelçisi Alexander Lambsdorff'u bakanlığa çağırdı. Öte yandan: Almanya Savunma Bakanı Boris Pistorius, Rusya'nın Almanya'ya karşı "bilgi savaşı" yürüttüğünü ifade etti. Bir adım geriden: Ses kaydında Alman subayları, Taurus füzelerinin Rusya'nın yasa dışı ilhak ettiği Kırım'daki Kırım Köprüsü'nü imha edip edemeyeceğini tartışıyordu.

05 Mar 2024

Aposto Europe delivers your daily briefing on markets, politics, business, tech and more - all under 5 minutes. Don't miss out on what's happening in the world. Friday • Germany's Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said they plan to deliver Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine by the end of March, a day after confirming to deliver 14 tanks from their own stock, following weeks of diplomatic pressure. Meanwhile, the US said that their delivery of 31 Abrams tanks to ...Devamını Oku

29 Oca 2023

• Germany's Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said they plan to deliver Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine by the end of March, a day after confirming to deliver 14 tanks from their own stock, following weeks of diplomatic pressure. Meanwhile, the US said that their delivery of 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine will be in "weeks, not months," as Pentagon finalizes a training plan. via CNN The response: Russia said the promised delivery of Western tanks to Ukraine wa...Devamını Oku

27 Oca 2023

• Germany agreed on Wednesday to supply its Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, and to let its allies provide their Leopard tanks, overcoming their hesitancy to dispatch heavy weaponry as international pressure built up for them to take action. Germany aims to quickly establish two battalions of Leopards and initially provide 14 tanks from its own inventory. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius cautioned that it would take about three months for the "best battle tanks in the world" ...Devamını Oku

26 Oca 2023

• Poland said on Monday it will send Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine if a "small coalition" of countries agrees to do the same, even if Germany does not give permission for their tanks to be dispatched. via CNN The response: Berlin's new Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said there will soon be a decision on the tanks, a comment that came after the country's foreign minister said Sunday that the country would not stop Poland from sending Leopards if aske...Devamını Oku

24 Oca 2023

• Germany's new Defense Minister Boris Pistorius met with his US counterpart Lloyd Austin in Berlin on Thursday, just hours after he was sworn into office, as Germany faced mounting pressure to allow its Leopard tanks to be sent to Ukraine. via CNN In accordance: Western allies pledged billions of dollars in new weapons for Ukraine, a day ahead of a meeting in which defense ministers from several nations gather at Ramstein Air Base in Germany for an event h...Devamını Oku

20 Oca 2023

• Germany named its new Defense Minister to be Boris Pistorius, a long-serving interior minister of Lower Saxony, replacing Christine Lambrecht who quit after mounting criticisms. The appointment came a day after Lambrecht's resignation and amid increasing pressure over Berlin's response to the war in Ukraine. via Reuters Zoom in: Pistorius, who is from the center-left Social Democrat party, is to receive his mandate on Thursday, a day before a major conferen...Devamını Oku

18 Oca 2023