Dante ile ilgili hikayeler

📒 Read, read, read: Read Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. Yes, that is the name of the book. I had already fallen for the story of two young adults who met at the pool and discovered their sexual identities throughout the novel. After I read it, I fell for it even harder. I suggest you to read on growing old queer by questioning without fear, without hesitation, without falling into the pain of questioning.

31 Tem 2022



Ye takipçim ye: Sofradaki güce modern bir yaklaşım

Nasreddin Hoca’nın kürkü ya da Dante’nin ucu sivri parlak ayakkabıları, modern çağda birer sosyal medya istatistiği olarak karşımıza çıkıyor.

07 Nis 2021



"Yeniden doğuş"un bonkör destekçileri

Cosimo de' Medici, Medici Ailesi ve sanatın altın çağı

İhsan Dindar


10 Mar 2021
