Rafael Grossi ile ilgili hikayeler

• Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Ajansı (IAEA) Başkanı Rafael Grossi, Avrupa'nın en büyük nükleer enerji tesisi olan Zaporizhzhia santralini, Rusya'nın eline geçmesinden beri ikinci kez ziyaret etti. Grossi, olası bir nükleer felaketin önüne geçilmesi adına Kiev ve Moskova'nın arasında bir anlaşma sağlanması için çalışmaların sürdürüldüğünü belirtti.

30 Mar 2023

• UN's International Atomic Energy Agency chief met with Russian military officials in Moscow and a state atomic energy company to discuss setting up a protection zone around the Kremlin-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine. IAEA Chief Rafael Grossi said more negotiations were needed, as Russia's state company Rosatom described the talks as "substantive, useful and frank."

23 Ara 2022

• An International Atomic Energy Agency mission —headed by the organization's chief Rafael Grossi— arrived in Ukraine's city of Zaporizhzhia to inspect the nuclear power plant after its territory was repeatedly shelled over the last month. Ukraine and Russia kept putting blame on one another over the attacks, finally leaving the last word to IAEA. via Reuters Ukraine liked the message: Ukraine's energy minister said the IAEA mission is a step toward "de-occu...Devamını Oku

01 Eyl 2022

• A team from UN's International Atomic Energy Agency started their long-awaited journey to the Zaporizhzhia atomic power plant at the heart of fighting in Ukraine, in a mission to inspect crucial safety systems to avoid a nuclear catastrophe. The UN Nuclear watchdog's Director-General Rafael Grossi's announcements came as Ukraine accused Russia of yet another rocket and artillery strike at or near the plant, building fears that the fighting could cause a massive radiati...Devamını Oku

30 Ağu 2022

• Europe’s largest nuclear plant in Ukraine “is completely out of control,” warned UN nuclear chief Rafael Grossi, issuing an urgent plea to Russia and Ukraine to quickly allow experts to visit the sprawling complex to stabilize the situation and avoid a nuclear accident.

04 Ağu 2022

• UN Nuclear Chief Rafael Grossi said that the level of safety at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine, currently taken over by Russian forces, is like a "red light blinking", as he continues to press Russia to get access for safety and repairs. Grossi already spoke to Ukraine's Zelenskiy about the issue surrounding Europe's largest nuclear plant, and said that he will speak to the Russian side "soon".

28 Nis 2022

• Ukraine asked the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for "a comprehensive list of equipment" it needs to operate nuclear power plants during the war with Russia, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi said, including radiation measurement devices, protective material, computer-related assistance, power supply systems and diesel generators.

25 Nis 2022

🇺🇦 On The Ground Wagner Group , a private Russian military contractor accused of human rights abuses, has deployed to eastern Ukraine, the UK defense ministry said. Wagner Group is expected to bring up to 1,000 mercenaries to take part in combat operations in Ukraine after the regular Russian military experienced heavy losses. Russian soldiers who seized the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster drove their armored vehicles without radiation protection through...Devamını Oku

30 Mar 2022

via Zaporizhzhia NPP • The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Rafael Grossi said he is extremely concerned that the staff at Europe's biggest atomic power plant, Zaporizhzhia, has fallen under the command of the Russian invasion forces and that the Ukrainian regulator told the IAEA it was hard to get reliable information. A step back: Russian forces captured the plant on Friday, shelling it and causing a fire just then. Some of the reactors were ...Devamını Oku

07 Mar 2022

• UN nuclear watchdog agency head warned that the fighting is a danger to Ukraine’s 15 nuclear reactors. The agency's Director-General Rafael Grossi said the war is "the first time a military conflict is happening amid the facilities of a large, established nuclear power program," and he said he is "gravely concerned."

03 Mar 2022