meteor ile ilgili hikayeler

• 2 Eylül Cumartesi akşamı Türkiye hava sahasına düşen göktaşının , Doğu ve Güneydoğu’da birçok ilden görüldüğü kaydedildi. Saat 20.07'de atmosfere girerek ateş topuna dönüşen meteor, Diyarbakır, Bingöl, Elazığ, Batman, Tunceli, Ağrı ve Kars'tan gözlendi.

04 Eyl 2023

• E urope’s new generation weather satellites are set to launch on Tuesday and are expected to provide 50 times more data than is currently available when they are fully deployed in 2026. The €4.3 billion Meteosat Third Generation system will help meteorologists increase the accuracy of their forecasts. It will be most useful to predict imminent storms up to two hours ahead in time for the authorities to take remedial action. Meteosat

12 Ara 2022