Berrak zihinler için yalın, zengin, bağımsız bir Türkçe dijital medya üyeliği.
Ücretsiz Kaydol →IHS Markit ile ilgili hikayeler
Yurt içi tatil, dışarısı kritik
Piyasalarda, yurt içinde yatırımcılar kısa bir haftaya hazırlanırken yurt dışında ise ABD ve Avrupa ekonomisi başta olmak üzere kritik veriler açıklanacak.

• UK companies have hiked prices faster than ever in February, the IHS Markit's Flash Purchasing Managers Index revealed, while business optimism sank to a 17-month low on the back of high energy costs and increased volatility about Ukraine. By the numbers: The IHS Markit Flash Composite PMI dipped marginally from 59.9 to 59.7 in February, although increasing prices are expected to push the metric up in the coming months.
25 Mar 2022
• Business activity in the Eurozone accelerated to its fastest pace in five months in February, with IHS Markit's final composite PMI hitting 55.5, up from 52.3 the previous month but slightly below the market forecast of 55.8 that emerged before the Kremlin's attack on Ukraine. Looking ahead: ECB Governing Council member Mario Centeno warned of stagflation in the Eurozone in light of record inflation at 5.5% and decelerated growth that could result from the Ukrain...Devamını Oku
11 Mar 2022
🇩🇪 Soaring demand for services boosted overall economic activity in Germany, with IHS Markit's Flash Composite PMI coming in at a six-month high of 56.2, up from 53.8 in January. However, this data wasn't enough to turn the Bundesbank optimistic, as the central bank warned of yet another contraction in Q1 as a result of workers' Omicron-related absences. On the other hand: Germany saw its largest-ever spike in producer prices in January, Bundesbank reported...Devamını Oku
22 Şub 2022
🇫🇷 French economic growth significantly surpassed market expectations, with IHS Markit's flash PMI coming in at 57.9 points, above the forecast 53.6 and up from 53.1 in January thanks to tourism and services operations.
22 Şub 2022
• Canadian police began clearing the "freedom convoy" protesters and vehicles that had been blocking the vital trade route with the US, but the bridge remained closed over the weekend. US President Joe Biden had asked Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to use federal powers to end the blockade on the bridge, which carries about 25% of all US-Canada goods trade. Highlights: Ford, GM, and Toyota have all announced production cuts due to parts shortages stemming from the...Devamını Oku
14 Şub 2022
• Manufacturing volume in the Eurozone grew in January as supply chain disruptions were alleviated, IHS Markit's PMI showed, measuring 58.7, up from 58.0 in December but still below market expectations of 59. Across the Channel: The UK factory output volume also picked up speed in January, with the IHS Markit/CIPS PMI seeing 54.5, almost an entire point above December's 53.6. Furthermore: The unemployment rate in Europe fell to an all-time low of 7% in December,...Devamını Oku
02 Şub 2022
• German economy is thought to have shrunk in Q4 as supply and shipping disruptions continued to stall activity, Bundesbank said, noting that consumer consumption also shrank in light of the Omicron variant's spread across the continent. Bright side: January was a fine month for Germany's economy, with activity in the manufacturing sector rising to 60.5 from 57.4, and the services industry seeing a two-month high of 52.2 on IHS Markit's flash PMI .
25 Oca 2022
• ABD'de imalat sanayi Satınalma Yöneticileri Endeksi, ocak ayında bir önceki aya kıyasla 2,7 puan azalarak 55 değerine geriledi ve 15 ayın en düşük seviyesini kaydetti. Perspektif: Uluslararası finansal araştırma kuruluşu IHS Markit Başekonomisti Chris Williamson; Covid-19 vakaları, tedarik zincirinde yaşanan gecikmeler, Omicron varyantına yönelik kısıtlamalarla ABD ekonomisinin yıl başında neredeyse durma noktasına geldiğini söyledi.
25 Oca 2022
• Avro Bölgesi'nde imalat satın alma yöneticileri endeksi (PMI), IHS Markit'in açıkladığı verilere göre aralık ayında 55,4’ten 53,3’e gerileyerek marttan bu yana en düşük seviyesine indi. Hizmet PMI'ı ise 55,9'dan 53,3’e gerileyerek 8 ayın en düşük seviyesini gördü. IHS Markit Kıdemli Ekonomisti Joe Hayes, Omicron varyantının hizmet sektöründe önemli etkisi olduğunu belirterek “Ekonomiye yönelik risklerin artık daha büyük olduğu görülüyor” dedi.
06 Oca 2022