Minsk ile ilgili hikayeler

• Belarus’un başkenti Minsk’te bulunan Ulusal Bilimler Akademisi’ne gezegen araştırmaları için ayrılan yaklaşık 670 bin dolarlık fonun tarım programına yönlendirileceği açıklandı. Rusya kontrolündeki bir medya kuruluşu, haberi “ Uzay fonları patatese yönlendirildi ” başlığıyla verdi.

03 Oca 2024

• The defense ministry in Minsk said just under 9,000 Russian troops would be stationed in Belarus as part of a "regional grouping" of forces to protect its borders. “The first troop trains with Russian servicemen” arrived in Belarus on Sunday according to a tweet from the ministry’s international military cooperation department, and "the relocation will take several days.”

17 Eki 2022

• Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow is open to talks with the US and Turkey on ways to end the war but is yet to receive any serious proposal to negotiate. Speaking to Russian state TV, Lavrov emphasized that they would not turn down a meeting with US President Joe Biden at the upcoming G-20 meeting in Indonesia. via Reuters Meanwhile: Kyiv's state nuclear energy company Energoatom accused Russia of kidnapping a deputy head of Ukraine's oc...Devamını Oku

12 Eki 2022

• Russian missiles hit multiple cities in Ukraine in its biggest air strike since the start of the war, including the capital Kyiv, killing at least 11 people and injuring dozens across the country, Ukraine's State Emergency Service announced. Lviv, Poltava, Sumy, and Ternopil were among the cities that were bombed alongside Kyiv, with some missiles targeting energy facilities and others striking civilian buildings. via Reuters Here's why: Russia's President ...Devamını Oku

11 Eki 2022

• Belarus will deploy special forces near its southern border with Ukraine, the armed forces said, in retaliation to NATO troops massing near its borders in Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. President Alexander Lukashenko said Moscow had agreed to help Minsk produce missiles and that he wanted Belarus to continue using Russian-made missiles to boost the country's defenses.

11 May 2022

• Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, kabul edilemez askerî harekatın uluslararası hukuka aykırı olduğunu, Ukrayna'nın toprak bütünlüğünün desteklendiğini, sorunun Minsk mutabakatları çerçevesinde çözülmesi gerektiğini söyledi . Dışişleri Bakanlığı da Ukrayna'daki vatandaşlara güvenli yerde kalma ve seyahatten kaçınma çağrısında bulundu. Partilerin açıklaması: CHP lideri Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, "Türkiye'nin güvenliği açısından Montrö Boğazlar Sözleşmesi çok önemlidir. At...Devamını Oku

25 Şub 2022

Aposto GündemAposto Gündem


Rusya - Ukrayna: Sınırda gerilim devam ediyor

Rusya - Ukrayna sınırında gerilim devam ediyor.

22 Şub 2022

• Belarus President Lukashenko said “We don't want confrontation. We don't need it. Because we understand that if we go too far, war is unavoidable,” reiterating that the EU should accept some migrants while Belarus repatriates others. Germany, and others, quickly rejected this renewed call. What is really going on: Poland’s border guard said Minsk is still ferrying migrants flown in from the Middle East to Belarus. “The EU must not give in to blackmail from Lukas...Devamını Oku

23 Kas 2021

• Poland’s PM Mateusz Morawiecki accused Minsk of using migrants as weapons against the EU and of having the ‘back-room support’ of Russian President Putin, stating on Twitter that the Belarus crisis is “the greatest attempt to destabilize Europe” since the Cold War.

22 Kas 2021

• The EU agreed to step up its measures against Belarus , with a fifth package of sanctions targeting airlines, travel agencies, and individuals involved in “the illegal push of migrants”, top EU diplomat Josep Borrell announced. Borrell said vulnerable migrants were being exploited in a “hybrid war” that is “intensifying” and the EU further called on Vladimir Putin to put pressure on Minsk. Other efforts : German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Belarus leader Lukashe...Devamını Oku

16 Kas 2021